"Gunjal" is a captivating film based on the true story of child activist Iqbal Masih. Iqbal was a young activist who tragically lost his life due to his dedication to ending child labor. In the movie, Ahmed Ali Butt plays Shahbaz Bhatti, a journalist determined to uncover the truth behind Iqbal Masih's murder. "Gunjal" takes you on a thrilling journey that explores the harsh realities of child labor in 1990's Pakistan.
Iqbal's Vision: Pens, Not Tools
From his harrowing childhood, where he was sold into slavery at the age of five, to his courageous fight to free over 3000 enslaved children, and his unwavering commitment to education, explore stories that chronicle Iqbal Masih's remarkable life
Iqbal Masih Biography
Iqbal helped more than 3000 child slaves to break free from slavery. He started gaining popularity and gave speeches in several parts of his country and many other developing nations where child bondage slavery existed.
Anyone who knew Iqbal Masih, the 12-year-old boy recently assassinated in Lahore, Pakistan, by someone believed to be a feudal landlord and carpet manufacturer, was struck by his brilliance.
Read the remarkable journey of Nighat A. Shah, an award-winning filmmaker, international impact investor, and passionate philanthropist. Journey through her captivating narrative as she bridges cultures and hearts through the power of cinema. From award-winning films that shed light on critical social issues to empowering women and children, Nighat's story is one of courage, compassion, and commitment. Dive in and discover how one individual can ignite change through the art of storytelling and acts of kindness.