Ahmed Ali Akbar shows great respect for journalist community

  • Gunjal
  • January 28, 2024

Ahmed Ali Akbar shows great respect for journalist community

Ahmad Ali Akbar, who played the role of journalist Shehbaz Bhatti in the Pakistani film Gunjal. Ahmed Ali Akbar said that to stabilize and strengthen Pakistani cinema we have to show the stories of our heroes and people.

Ahmed Ali Akbar said that in this world, if someone fights for the truth, raises his voice, then he is a journalist, that’s why I respect journalists and when their voice is suppressed, more than that. No regrets.

He said that in the past, Thori investigated journalism for a project, and when I conducted interviews, I realized that journalism is also difficult like acting, every time there is an opportunity to see and learn something new.

He said that the fun comes in anything that has a challenge because in it you learn about yourself, try to adapt to whatever character you are and try to get away from yourself and become a new person. Some human emotions are common in all of us and the fans connect with the same character.

I try to do the same. The film is based on the story and true events of journalist Shehbaz Bhatti, directed by Shoaib Sultan and produced by Nighat Akbar Shah.

Source: Daily Nation



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